Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Gettin' Hot in Here!!!

Global Warming is an issue that is as pervasive as it is devisive. The media provides us with reports about global warming but it can be difficult to form an objective opinion when other scientists put forward what look like opposing views. We have opposing views too:

D.O's Take

"D.O. is going green like the fight against global warming"... a line from a song I wrote over the summer...I meant money! Anyway, today we are talking actual global warming or as I call it the battle for "market share"...Our wonderful almighty country does nothing out of care for "morality" or concern for the "future of the world". We are about the latest trend to make MONEY. Period. I'm not into politics, unless my politician plans on sending me and my family a check for a livable amount of money over a 20 year span (USA! USA!$) I don't want to bring up the issue of global warming from that perspective. People we are talking about a planet that has been changing and evolving, or devolving billions of years before we humans started killing each other. The God-like nerve to think we started it or can stop it is laughable.

Sure over recent years we have hastened our fate by treating our beautiful and awe inspiring planet like we treat each shit! But this so called "global warming" ,to me at least, is the planet doing what it's been doing...we are just around this time to witness the change...can we stop it? No. Can we slow it down? Let me ask you this...all those with automobiles, are you willing to give up your mortgage payment demanding, energy sucking, 4-wheel deathtrap of convenience to ride public transportation EVERYWHERE YOU GO..FOR LIFE? Heeell to tha naw!

Which brings me to "the market share" battle...Oil vs. Ethanol to me it's like Nike vs. Adidas in this case it's as simple as CD's vs. Digital with Oil representing CD' will be a wrap sooner or later for the Oil companies so this gives the Ethanol companies an opportunity to market this "new" energy source to us. As a businessman I find this amazing, clever,...I love it. Swear to God, I absolutely love it! The foundation on which these Ethanol companies are banking their growth is our fear of the self-regulation the earth has engaged in for billions of years, NOW with the label "global warming".

Dow's Counter-Take:

Although we have just kicked off a brutal winter with traffic deaths and giant energy bills, I think that climate change is a very real threat. I'm no environmental scientist, nor am I a weak ass ex-presidential candidate with a power point and a vision. However, the lifestyle we enjoy in America is based on fossil fuels, fossil ideas, and the policies of individuals that can be best described as........fossils.

Our perpetual dependency on petroleum is absolutely shameful, and the continued use of this antiquated energy source can only result from the pressure of BIG OIL lobbyists. These Grand Old Party "conservatives" insist that a free market economy is the way the truth and the light; price controls an subsidies limit the market's true earning potential and discourage free enterprise. These are the same people who have outlawed cleaner and more efficient forms of energy, and legislated themselves into extraordinary profits from obsolete technology. If price controls are bad, then so are laws that erect enormous barriers to alternative fuels. If you have a business based on obsolete items, you either keep up with the times or you go out of business. Oil companies have not kept up with the times, but the worthless white house has made laws to keep them in business.

As a result we still have brown clouds hanging over every major city that get bigger every day. Although mother nature is very resilient, she won't withstand the smog for an extended period of time without change. The decreased size of the global snow cover, and the fact that 8 of the 10 warmest years were in the last decade make me think the rapper Nelly had it right when he said "It's Gettin' Hot in Hurrr!"

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Welcome to Political S.L.A.P.!! The current geopolitical landscape, the state of the global economy, and the interactions between cultures and factions are certainly worthy of deep discussion. Most of the discussoin is dominated by people with graying hair, low tolerance for noise, and a penchant for Viagara.

Time for our generation to speak the hell up!